Top 10 food trends 2019

AMSTERDAM - Like every year many lists with new food trends are circulating on social media. And most of the time they are only predicting new trends instead of looking back on the realization of older trends. At the ISM (International Sweets & Snack Exhibition) held end of January new food trends for 2019 were presented by Innova Market Insights. The interesting thing here is that these trends are based upon results of research carried out over the last few years. Read here below the top 10 trends for 2019 with (part of the) underlying arguments. 

Top 10 trends:

1.    Discovery: the adventurous consumer

27% of US consumers have experienced a shift in their tastes towards more exotic or adventurous flavours

2.    The plant kingdom

63% average annual growth was measured for food with a plant-based claim

3.    Alternatives to all

15% average annual growth of diary free products

4.    Green appeal

64% of UK consumers expect companies to invest in sustainability

5.    Snacking, the definite occasion

Food & beverage with a snack claim shows 8% average annual growth

6.    Eating for me

29% of the Chinese consumers followed a high protein diet in 2018

7.    Fresh look at fiber

Sport nutrition with a fiber claim shows an annual growth of 51%

8.    Feeling good

90% of all Chinese believes mental health is as important as physical health

9.    Small players

Companies with a social ethical claim grow 26% annually

10. 43% of US consumers share pictures of food online each week


Do you want to start this New Year with an inventory of relevant trends for your food business and investigate your expansion potential? TEN the export network supports food companies with export and advises in the SIB (Starters International Business) project on behalf of the Dutch government. Dozens of food companies preceded you already. You can find more information on or get in touch with us without obligation   

Source: Innova Market Insights Trends Survey (2018)

Source: TEN - partner FoodPro Network International

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