How to make sustainable ánd nutritious foods?

WAGENINGEN - Food companies are more and more facing the challenges of making food sustainable ánd nutritious. You might say that sustainable food with low nutritional density, is not sustainable at all for lacking a positive contribution to our heath. Consumers don’t want to choose between climate and health, they want all relevant boxes ticked and more over they want to have it in an attractive and fast way.

Not an easy time to satisfy critical consumers, but if you would know how to calculate the right balance between product sustainability and nutrition, you could offer the added value that consumer are expecting.

Join our course “qualitative & quantitative aspect sustainability in food” to calculate and evaluate product sustainability and discuss the current developments like Nutriscore (appropriate or not) with scientists and food industry professionals. After the course you will be able to make more balanced product decisions and give better answers to questions of consumers or business clients concerning sustainable choices.

More information on the website of Wageningen Academy.


Source: Wageningen Academy, WUR

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