6 key questions for successful (food) export

HEERENVEEN - Exports of Dutch food products grew by an average of 5% in 2019. According to ABN Amro's recent sector forecast, higher demand from abroad is expected to last in 2020. The export value of meat appears to have increased the most by more than 7% as a result of the outbreak of African swine fever resulting in a global shortage of pork. Almost all product groups experienced an increase, for example fresh vegetables, potatoes and fruits, although these figures also have to include the re-export. However, the export value of dairy was limited, with an increase for Germany, but declines for countries such as China, France and the United Kingdom.

For the next few years, ABN Amro expects a further increase in exports, based on growing consumer spending in a number of key markets. Of course, anything can happen in these uncertain times of trade wars and agreements, of Brexit and outbreak of viruses. Is it wise to start exporting in such a volatile setting? It depends. It is important as a company to ask the following key questions:

Key questions export:

  1. Wat is your ambition?                                                                 – I want …       
  2. Wat is the current situation of your company?                – I am …           
  3. Where do you make the difference?                                            – I have …      
  4. What trends can you capitalize on?                                            – I see …        
  5. How to bridge the gap between concept and export market        – I do …
  6. How to realize a working business model                                    – with these results…

It always starts with the ambition and feasibility. And the real key question, of course, is: What is your added value? Where can you make a difference from competition in other markets? If this is clear and the focus markets are determined, the 'how' questions will be raised. How do I find a reliable foreign partner, how do I arrange the logistics, you name it. Questions we try to answer for all our principles, either in coaching or sparring sessions, or by taking part of the practical execution as interim export manager.

TEN the export network offers advice and support to food & beverage companies that dare to look across borders. We coordinate export activities, stimulate business development projects and set up new international routes. This is possible in sparring sessions, but also as executive of your export jobs in an interim role. TEN professionalizes existing export activities and we are consultants working for the SIB program (Starters International Business Program of the RVO, Dutch Government) for SME companies. For more information: www.theexportnetwork.nl or contact us for an appointment: http://www.theexportnetwork.nl/contact/.

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