Personalised nutrition positively benefits health (video)

TEL AVIV - Personalised nutrition & health is a currently a hot topic in the food industry. Evidence that personalised nutrition truly benefits health is mounting up; and various industry conferences and online seminars are paying attention to this interesting subject.

Breakthrough results have already been reported in the Netherlands and Israel, where research showed that personalized nutrition - selected individually for each consumer - contributes to an overall better health. This demonstrates that generic nutrition advice might not benefit all members of the general public.

Currently this vital information remains reserved for a select group of people who are more intensely involved with the subject.

800 test subjects

A trial in Israel saw 800 test subjects consuming the exact same nutrition. The result? The effect on each individual’s blood sugar level varied greatly. A highly fluctuating level of blood sugar is often attributed to obesity and/or diabetes. The trial showed a significant difference in blood sugar levels between various test subjects when consuming sushi and full-fat ice cream. 


The Israeli scientists explain in this 5 minute video how the results of their results are best interpreted.

You can also watch the video What is the best diet for humans? by Eran Segal during a TEDx event.

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