Nestlé invests in quality assurance

DUBLIN - Nestlé, the largest food manufacturer in the world, has invested 31 million dollars in the expansion of its quality assurance center in Dublin, Ohio. The Dublin location is now the largest quality assurance center of Nestlé.

The center measures nearly 8000 square meter and includes a 3000 square meter microbiology laboratory, a completely renovated chemistry laboratory and associated facilities where 60% of food testing is conducted.

Gregory Pritchard, Vice President of Quality Management at Nestlé, said to ConfectioneryNews: “My main concern is to ensure our products are free from pathogen organisms. All our factories are carefully set up to make sure those pathogens are not introduced to the products.”

Pritchard is of the opinion that allergens are now a major threat to food safety and states that Nestlé has focussed on developing safe products, as adolescents these days often grow up with allergens.

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